Vita Means Life - PDF book detailing the unofficial history of the PlayStation Vita

Vita Means Life - PDF book detailing the unofficial history of the PlayStation Vita


Thank you for visiting the Etsy page for my book - Vita Means Life (VML). This 440 page, digital book covers the entire history of the PSVita. The Vita struggled to make an impact on the gaming market but it found its audience of loyal fans (including myself) that continued to support it long after Sony stopped releasing games for the system. In this book, I take a look back at the events that shaped the fortunes of the device, from its well received announcement, to its rocky launch and its eventual discontinuation. The book also includes interviews with developers of some of the major first party titles and detailed retrospectives on some of the biggest games on the system.

The book is split into four sections:

- History - covering the entire 10 year history of the system.

- Interviews - interviews with developers of some of the system’s major releases with fascinating insights into the launch of the Vita.

- Retrospectives - retrospectives on dozens of the biggest games released through the system’s life.

- Library - a list of all games launched in the West.

The book is 440 pages long.

The game retrospectives includes:

* Gravity Rush

* Uncharted: Golden Abyss

* Persona 4 Golden

* LittleBigPlanet Vita

* Wipeout 2048

* Freedom Wars

* Soul Sacrifice

* Danganronpa

* The Ys series

* The Steamworld series

* Salt & Sanctuary

* Shovel Knight

* The Atelier series

* Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2

* And many more!

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